Ludovic Renou : Academic, Runner, et Bon Vivant

I am professor of Economics at Queen Mary University of London, CEPR fellow and Associate Editor at Games and Economic Behavior. My main research interests are in economic theory.

I was a member of the sub-panel 16 for Economics and Econometrics at the REF2021. It was an interesting experience, albeit time-consuming (with obvious consequences on my research time).

I am a keen runner and enjoy food, wines and other spirits.


Work in Progress

  • "Non-Bayesian Learning in Misspecified Models, '' (with S. Bervoets and M. Faure). Paper coming soon.
  • "Which Wage Distributions are Consistent with Statistical Discrimination?" (with P. Bharadwaj and R. Deb), 2024, Reject & R, American Economic Review. The paper.
  • "Comparing Experiments in Discounted Problems,'' (with X. Venel), 2024. The paper.
  • "Persuasion with Ambiguous Communication,'' (with X. Cheng, P. Klibanoff, S. Mukerji), 2024. The paper.
  • "Who Give, Who Care,'' (with Y. Bramoulle and R. Deb), 2024. Paper coming soon.
  • "Dynamic Choice and Common Learning'' (with R. Deb), 2021. The paper.
  • "Resale Mechanisms on Networks,'' (with D. Condorelli and A. Galeotti), 2021. The paper.
  • Recent Publications

  • "Interacting with Man or Machine: When Do Humans Reason Better?" (with Ralph C. Bayer), Management Science, forthcoming.
  • "Cross Verification and Persuasive Cheap Talk,'' (with A. Atakan and M. Ekmekci), Journal of Economic Theory, 2024, 222, Article 105934.
  • "Communication on Networks and Strong Reliability," (with M. Laclau and X. Venel), Journal of Economic Theory, 2024, 219, Article 105822.
  • "Contracting over Persistent Information,'' (with C. Mezzetti, T. Tomala and W. Zhao), Theoretical Economics, 2024, 19, pp. 917-974.
  • "Information Design in Multi-stage Games,'' (with M. Makris), Theoretical Economics, 2023, 18, pp. 1475-1509.
  • "Revealed Preference Tests under Risk and Uncertainty,'' (with J. Quah and M. Polisson), American Economic Review, 2020, 110, pp. 1782-1820.
  • "Bilateral Trading in Networks,'' (with D. Condorelli and A. Galeotti), Review of Economic Studies, 2017, 84, pp. 82-105.

  • Contact

    Email. Snail mail: School of Economics and Finance, QMUL, E1 4NS, London, UK.


    Four axioms for a good collaboration :

    The four axioms for a good collaboration of Hardy and Littelwood. (From "Littlewood's miscellany," edited by Bollobas.)
  • Axiom 1: When one author writes to a co-author, it is completely indifferent whether he is right or wrong.
  • Axiom 2: When one author receives a letter (e-mail, nowadays) from a co-author, he is under no obligation whatsoever to read it, let alone to answer it.
  • Axiom 3: It is preferable that each author works on different parts (aspects) of the research project.
  • Axiom 4: It does not matter who contributes what.

  • Running :

    I am passionate about running. I started running at the tender age of 35 and since then have been training hard to try to be the best I can be. I average 75 to 80 miles a week, with peaks at 120 miles per week during marathon trainings. I do two to three hard sessions a week, typically a track session, a hill or tempo session and a long run with faster segments.
    If you are geeky about running, here are some details about the gears I favor. I love Saucony shoes (Kinvara, Ride, Triumph, Fastwitch, Type 8). I am now racing with the Vaporfly--an amazing shoe when you pick up the pace!! I use a Garmin 245 as a GPS watch, which does a good job. Note that over a marathon, it will often come down to 26.6 to 26.8 miles, so there is a bit of errors.
    Some of my running heroes are Steve Prefontaine, Emil Zatopek, Haile Gebrselassie, Kenenisa Bekele, and many others. In general, I enjoy very much front runners rather than the runners who sit at the back and out-kick others in the last lap.

    Finally, here are some of my personal bests (you can find proofs on the Power of 10 website ): 
    I still hope to improve some of my personal bests, but it is getting harder and harder. My primary target for 2024 is to improve my speed and stamina over 1500m and 5000m/5k. I have a preference for the marathon, but the training is extremely demanding and time consuming. For instance, my preparation for the 2021 Berlin marathon consisted of 12 weeks at 100 miles per week on average, with a peak at 120+ miles. I promised my wife to run less!

    With the Leicester Coritanian AC, we have also won many team events in the Master categories, ranging from the British Master relays to the British XC Master relays through titles for the Midlands. 

    I am also county champion in the HM (2019 overall, 2018 and 2022 as a Master), in the 10 miles (2015 as a Master), and 10k (2022 as a Master). I have also had few runner-up places. I also had few top 10 finishes in my AC at major marathons (Berlin, Boston, Frankfurt and London).